Monday, January 11, 2010

Hello everyone,

Indigo Children is a few things.

According to the new-age folklore, it's a select group of kids with blue-purple auras and precocious paranormal talents.

As per this blog, it's one of many hubs of paraphernalia relevant to the audio-visual culture of Perth and its surrounds.

This will entail frequent updates on upcoming shows of note, occasional reviews, interviews, media and a multitude of assorted scraps. 

In addition, Indigo Children is designed to be a versatile vessel to approach a range of adventures; such as putting on shows (there's one from last year), freelance graphic design, spontaneous party scheming, exhibitions, sound experiments - et cetera. 

I'll also just use the blog to post pretty pictures now and then.

Thanks for finding yourself here - it should all start to make a bit more sense from here on in.

With Love,

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